Creating Your User Experience
Design It

User Experience Focused Website Design
As advances in technology put more and more options at our fingertips, we get lazy and entitled when it comes to how a site NEEDS to perform to meet our expectations. Your site needs to be lighting fast, so easy to use that it feels almost intuitive, answer questions before users have a chance to actually think of them, have perfectly clear calls to action that shift users to buyers and then leave them with a positive sense of accomplishment when they’ve completed that action. Sounds simple enough right?!…
Here’s the catch – a great user experience needs to do ALL that while also ensuring the user interacts with your brand in a memorable way. How do we accomplish this? First, we focus on the ‘why’ of your business and the users that are helping you achieve your ‘why’. Then we tailor a custom designed experience just for them – employing all best practices and considerations relevant to your users throughout the process. Yes, it sounds hard but when our ‘why’ is making sure your website’s user experience is perfect for your users then you know you’re in good hands!

Brand and Marketing Strategy Development
That image in your website’s header is not just a logo. It’s your first and last impression. It’s the image that your customers see when then think of you. That is your brand and it’s a visual, literal, physical and experiential reflection of you and your entire business. It’s the truth and essence behind your core ‘why’. The reason you’re in the business you’re in to begin with. It’s the story of where you came from and where you plan on going, and it’s the cornerstone for all your marketing initiatives.
Your brand is one of the most important components of your business. How your brand is viewed, experienced and trusted by your customers, clients, competitors and partners will ultimately determine the success of your business. Again… it’s NEVER just a logo. Our job is to ensure that your brand creates an expectation for your customers from the very moment they encounter it. We make you bold, unique and memorable so that your past customers come back for more and your future customers feel the trust needed to close the deal.
Bringing Your User Experience To Life
Build It
Custom Website Development
When it comes to the websites and technical features we build, we clearly bring two technical strengths to the table that sets up above the competition. The first is our attention to structural details and search engine optimization best practice as the foundation of the sites we build. It is NEVER an afterthought. How your site will perform is the FIRST and the LAST thing we focus on with every build. We ensure that new websites preserve and build upon your old website’s rankings while structuring them in a way that carries them to the next level. Perhaps our strongest area of expertise is website performance.
Handcrafted sites perform better, rank higher, and result in more conversions (Sales or contact forms, user engagement). Nothing we produce is pulled from a template gallery or comes off the shelf. Doing that is a disservice to clients and other agencies hate us for telling you this because it’s something that most development teams neglect or lack the experience to pull off. The sites we build are designed for newer mobile devices but run smoothly on older devices with slower networks. We optimize file sizes, hand-code our JavaScript, HTML and CSS to ensure your site loads in a flash because these days speed = money. Simply put, our custom built websites smoothly convert users into buyers to bring your business and your bottom line to a whole new level.
Mobile App Creation
When it comes to user experiences sometimes the best marketing plans include an intuitive mobile in-app experience. When that’s the case with our client then we have the expertise to pull it off. Our team has years of experience building immersive, easy to use and completely compatible mobile apps that your users, the search engines, the app stores AND your team will love. Some food for thought directly from Google… “People who have a negative experience on mobile are 62% less likely to make a future purchase — no matter how beautiful or data-driven your marketing campaigns are.”
Ensuring You Reach Your Right Audience
Perfect It
Semantic Search Optimization (SEO)
SEO capable of delivering into the future! Today’s successful search engine optimization (SEO) has FAR surpassed what was required of website even 3 years ago. The age of artificial intelligence is leading the way into the future and since Google’s search engine is entirely A.I. driven with a focus on Semantic Search then that’s our focus when it comes to optimizing for the search engines. What is Semantic Search? It’s the science of exactly how things are related to everything else in the world or the relationship between actions, items, locations, facts, people, systems and everything else that makes up our beautifully complicated world. When those relationships are clear then it’s easy to understand someone’s intent when they’re searching online.
It’s undeniable that Semantic Search helps to return better and more relevant search results. However, it also adds a new layer of complexity to SEO, making it absolutely necessary to approach tasks like keyword research and content optimization in new and far improved ways. Semantic SEO requires getting to the intent if your users vs. just the words they searched for. Then optimizing content strategically and extensively for the true “full” intent of your users in that exact moment as well as how their needs will change when that first search is satisfied. It’s the perfect marriage of user experience and content that satisfies your users’ needs in a way that they don’t have to look anywhere else. When you’ve accomplished that then you’ll be rewarded by users and search engines alike. Sound complicated? It is! But it’s how you future proof your website’s content and it’s so worth it!
Site Speed Improvement
I’d bet that your page load speed is FAR more important that you actually realize. Countless data driven studies have proven over and over again that your conversions are directly tied to your site speed. How would you like to increase your site’s mobile conversions by 20%? Sound too good to be true? According to Google, “1 second delay in mobile load times can impact mobile conversions up to 20%“. Let the KJ team come in for a Site Speed Audit and Tune up service because, some of the quickest wins we’ve accomplished for clients involve their page load time.
With the move to a dedicated server and a site speed tune up we’ve seen conversions triple and costs per conversions drop to 1/3 what they were previously. Here’s how one of our clients explained it, “The things your team has been able to do so quickly have just literally blow up our lead machine and our Google Ads cost is down about 30%” – Jim, Owner of American Landscape Structures LLC.
Traffic Drop and Rank Recovery
The days of building a website as a static asset to be left alone for months (or even years) at a time has long passed. Google’s regular Core Algorithm Updates are designed to reward sites that are maintained to continually meet the changing demands of technology and users and punish those that fall behind. Unfortunately, staying on top of the ever-changing requirements that Google requires of time performing sites can feel impossible. You’re too busy running your business to worry about staying on top of the latest Internet Marketing strategies. That can result in a sudden drop in traffic and rankings.
If you’ve experienced a sudden, or even gradual, drop in traffic to your site then the answer is a complete technical website audit to KJ’s 50+ point inspection to get a real in-depth picture of your website. This allows us to do two things that are critical to your marketing strategy. The first is to quickly identify exactly what needs to happen immediately to regain any lost traffic and increase conversions to better monetize the visitors you’re already getting. The second is to create a long term plan to get your site growing month over month for years to come. Ready to get your website’s success to-do list? Signup for your Technical SEO Audit Today!
Executive Leadership and Team Development
When it comes to building, growing and sustaining a high quality producing business you are only as good as the people on your team. Your KJ marketing team can flood your business with leads but unless your team has the skills and the leadership to handle those potential customers then you’re wasting your money. Let our highly experienced leadership coaches support your executives to build the skills they need to be better communicators, inspired leaders, high level negotiators, effective time managers and overall more valuable assets for your company. Let our renown ‘fixer’ do an in-depth process audit and team assessment designed to measure the effectiveness of your current systems. We’ll nail down how well you’ve baked in accountability, incentivized goals, key performance indicators and a positive company culture.
Then we’ll bring you our official recommendations on adjustments that are as unique to your business as the team behind it. Some recommendations may be as simple as added in better project organization, updating your lead management system or adding more accountability. Other times we may recommend that you change an employee’s role in the company, bringing in a new hire, or even outsourcing some tasks. Need a fresh eye on your team’s performance? Reach out today. We have limited capacity for this service.
Continually Building Your Business
Grow It
Google Friendly PR and Link Building
PR and Link Building has changed dramatically over the years. Today it’s about guest appearing on popular podcasts, getting local mentions in newspapers, collaborating on marketing campaigns with established authoritative companies that share an audience with your business and YES, building links to your website from trusted high domain authority websites. Links work. Anyone who says different is lying to you, doesn’t know better or doesn’t want to do the hard work it takes to do it right. However, there are a few things about link building that you need to know. It’s hard, time consuming, not cheap and is a long term strategy for growing your website’s authority and yet… it’s so worth it.
Building links the right way is a slow and steady process that will move your page’s up in the search results. Talk to our team today about what a PR and Link Building Plan for your business would look like! We have limited capacity for this service and is only available to our Active Tier One Agency Clients.
Local Business Marketing and Growth
Your Local Business is competing in a market that is completely unique to your region and industry. Yes, there are foundational elements that every single local business NEEDS to have in place in order to have a competitive local presence. Think: an aggressive customer review campaign, dedicated pages for each of your physical locations, a verified listing on all the major like platforms (Google, Apple, Yelp, etc.), structured data code to ensure Google’s A.I. knows exactly where you are, who you are, what you sell, if it’s in stock, if you’re taking online orders, if reservations are required and the list continues on and on depending on your industry but – you get the point.
One thing our competition does that we NEVER do is take a ‘cookie cutter’ approach to your business’ marketing plan. Customer and client needs, wants and messaging changes drastically from city to city and state to state. Partnering up with business owners and managers, like you, to truly understand your business, your local audience and their needs is how we are able to help local businesses grow month over month. Ready to take your business to the next level? Reach out for a one on one meeting with one of our Local Business Growth Experts.
Virtual Networking and Lead Generation
We’re in the business to make you money. That means bringing in new leads to your website, making your phone ring, getting you more walk in business, helping you create more strategic professional relationships, building up your client referral network, keeping in touch with current and past clients to stay top of mind and getting your brand in front of as many targeted potential clients as possible. How we accomplish that depends on your current brand positioning as well as your industry.
This is a service that partners well with a fast, user friendly and high converting website experience. Add on services like this is how we can continue to show our clients growth month over month. Ready to learn how we can help you turn up your leads? Reach out today! We have limited capacity for this service and is only available to our Active Tier One Agency Clients.
Laser Targeted Paid Advertising
Well optimized and professionally managed paid advertising is a must have for any business to get ahead and bring in a growing number of leads in a competitive industry. However, poorly managed paid advertising campaigns are also an easy way to lose your hard earned money. That’s why it’s critical to work with an experienced paid advertising team that focuses squarely on the precise tracking and conversion data, a seamless user experience and the resulting sales to make decisions about your campaign strategy. Ready to have your current PPC campaigns audited to boost conversions or curious about creating a new campaign? We are here to help!